Telephone: (703)723-0004
Kathleen Gurgick, M.S., CCC 
Speech-Language Pathologist
Our Services

We value collaboration.

We work closely with families, physicians, psychologists, teachers and other speech therapists to ensure the best possible outcome for your child.

We provide speech therapy for children ages 2 to 12 in Loudoun County preschools, and private schools.

Clinical Speech and Language Services for Children

  • Education for parents and teachers
  • Screenings for speech-language and hearing
  • Assessments/Comprehensive evaluations
  • Therapy*
    • apraxia
    • articulation & phonology
    • auditory processing
    • communication difficulties related to hearing impairment
    • language-based learning disabilities
    • language delays & disorders
    • phonemic awareness
    • social language disorders
    • stuttering

*Therapy may be provided on an individual or group basis.

Signs of Potential Communication Disorders

articulation errors past the age of 8

low intelligibility compared to peers

slow vocabulary development

difficulty expressing ideas and using correct grammar

difficulty comprehending language and following directions

difficulty sounding out words

difficulty with reading comprehension

poor memory

word/sound repetitions resulting in stuttering

difficulty communicating with peers and adults in social settings

School Screenings  Conducted throughout the year at daycares, preschools and private schools.

Hearing  Screened using audiometers at 20 decibels, as required by the Commonwealth of Virginia

Speech Articulation, voice, fluency, and language

We recommend that children be at least 3 years of age to participate in class screenings at school.

Children of any age may be individually screened and assessed by appointment.